Keeping Your Apartment Expenses on the Down-Low with Handy

You’ve just moved out from an oh so luxe life of living with your parents, and there are so many things that you wish you had known earlier to make your life today ever the more simple. Things like what home furnishings you should and shouldn’t invest on would help keep your budget on the down-low. Your first call of action should be to take care of the move itself, which you may need assistance by asking your friends for help or purchasing the Handy moving service at an affordable cost. Handy also offers professional cleaning services that cost an hourly wage of approximately $17, with fluctuations that exist based on the cleaner’s reviews and ratings. You’ll realize how quickly the bills have begun to stack up, and as you work extensive hours, the last thing you’ll want to do is pay for an expensive cleaning service (they often go for $100 for four hours) or handyman.

Your goal is to take pride in the home that you have created for yourself and not feel like a complete wreck at adulthood if you don’t keep your place prim and proper. Handybook was launched with expansion funding from the Harvard Invention Lab. In October 2012 Handybook raised 2 million dollars in seed funding from General Catalyst Partners and Highland Capital Partners. The following year in October 2013, Handybook raised further 10 million dollars from existing investors along with David Tisch’s BoxGroupand other investors. The same month Handybook began talks to acquire the San Francisco-based Exec, a similar service for hiring people to complete household tasks. In January 2014, Handybook completed the acquisition of the company which helped establish its West Coast presence. By May 2014, the company was employing nearly a hundred people. There’s an affordable answer to your cries—Handy offers a plethora of services that can keep down your costs while maintaining a squeaky clean living space so that your parents don’t frown upon you when they come to visit you. Also, you won’t feel guilty inviting your friends over since you’ll have created a regular cleaning schedule for yourself.

Apart from maintaining cleanliness and receiving help to assemble larger furniture items, here are other moving tips that can help you budget-friendly guys and gals out there.

When you’re furniture shopping, you’ll see how expensive things such as a couch (they normally start at $1,000 each) can cost. There are many deals you can take advantage of if you know where to look. Opt for buying inexpensive bedroom dressers by signing up for the IKEA loyalty program that is targeted for families. Instead of paying for the delivery of your furniture, make sure you tag along a family member or friend along to help you get the heavy-loaded dresser into your car. Check out couponing sites to save on essential items such as cleaning supplies, rugs and silverware. Finally, have some fun while staying on a budget by allowing yourself to browse the flea market for vintage pieces.

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