Top Reasons Why Mobile Telemetry Is Finding Rapid Acceptance

Informed decision-making depends on how accurate the information is, how representative it is of the reality, and how fast it can be accessed. Conventional decision-making was dependent on data that was known to be not so accurate and representative and was often out-of-date but nevertheless the best possible option keeping in mind the various constraints. With the development of remote and mobile telemetry, these constraints have largely been overcome. It has made actions extremely quick as well as optimal in an extremely large number of situations that are as diverse as meteorology, fuel metering, wildlife tracking, pollution metering, cardiac monitoring, space and defense and much more. A quick look of the benefits of automated telemetry systems:


Easy Data Accessibility

By placing remote telemetry sensors at the places that require monitoring, data acquisition is no longer dependent on human beings physically accessing a location and taking relevant measurement, and then arranging to transport the data to the monitoring team. Data collection can now be performed round-the-clock and the information transmitted in a continuous stream without any breaks. Human intervention is no longer required for data collection, and their assistance is only required for maintenance of the system as and when required.

Timely Alerts

Remote telemetry usually involves a system that takes care of the transmission of the data with little or no lag. Thus the situation that is required to be monitored can be kept under watch on a real-time basis and appropriate action taken before a crisis can actually occur. For example, remote monitoring of the vapor pressure and temperature of fuel in storage tanks can alert the management team if any safety parameter is being crossed that could result in a fire. With the help of remote telemetry, the problem could be identified and appropriate action taken before the disaster occurs.

24/7 Monitoring

Since mobile telemetry is configured to be continuously on to provide a continuous stream of data, it enables the monitoring team in charge to enhance efficiency, productivity, and safety of operations as they can react immediately to the information provided by the incoming data. When specific parameters can be set, there is even no need for people to be continuously stationed in front of the monitors as automatic alerts can be generated by the system when an exception occurs.

No Physical Presence Required

One of the most significant advantages of remote telemetry is that there is no more need for human beings to traverse great distances to access the points of physical measurement. This can represent a great cost-saving to the company and also eliminates the necessity of immense personal hardship and physical danger. There are many locations that can now be monitored that are also unreachable by human beings such as in outer space or extreme depths of ocean. The sensors can be placed with the help of unmanned equipment and data readings obtained. A whole host of technological advancements of connectivity has made the task of data transmission far easier, faster, and more reliable than ever before.

Data Collection Possible from Moving Objects

The suitability of attaching sensors to objects that move very fast makes remote telemetry ideal for measuring their physical parameters, a task that was earlier very difficult, hazardous or often impractical. Common examples include measurement of heat and friction of drilling equipment spinning very fast miles underneath the surface of the earth, the temperature of a set of the wheels of a train in motion, or even the speed of turbines in a power generating station. The technology has also been put to very effective use in tracking the movements of wildlife without disturbing them frequently.