All You Need To Know About uPVC Windows

uPVC, or unplasticised polyvinyl chloride is a material that is used to make windows and doors and is known for its rigidity and durability. Its chemical composition makes it one of the best materials for the construction of door and window frames and it is also rapidly getting accepted because of the customization options that are offered by uPVC manufacturers. uPVC windows have been known for being long lasting and have already been installed in a lot of homes, with satisfied customers.

How are they Made?

uPVC windows are made out of sections of the uPVC profile, which are then joined together to form the shape of the window. The profiles used for making the windows are produced by melting the PVC, which is forced into a precision die. The material is then let to cool and minutes after it is cut to the desired length. Since it is such a malleable material, the uPVC structure can be constructed in various different ways, depending on the profile and the tools that are used to create the uPVC windows. These windows can also hold various kinds of glass which include toughened safety glass or energy efficient window glass.


uPVC is one of the most popular types of material that is used to make different not just windows, but doors and pipes for your house needs. uPVC windows in particular have a lot of advantages that make it the preferred choice for a lot of homeowners. One of the best things about uPVC windows is that they are very good noise insulators. Any kind of tempered safety glass or anti-theft glass installed with uPVC windows will reinforce this quality of uPVC windows, as you can block out external sounds and can maintain a peaceful lifestyle.

Another thing that attracts a lot of people towards uPVC windows is that it is very low maintenance and the repairs costs are negligible. Any kind of cosmetic or structural damage like minor scratches or holes in the uPVC structure can be fixed easily and at very affordable costs. If your uPVC window fixture has any kind of irreversible damage, a lot of companies give the assurance of replacement and while these cases are few and far between, a replacement uPVC window will long laster and be easier to maintain than windows that are made out of any other material available in the market.

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