Short, Stubby, Loyal, And Friendly: The Basset Hound

Not everyone is interested in getting a dog who is so energetic, so peppy, so full of vim and vigor that it is practically impossible to keep up with them. Whether its pulling you across great distances on a leash for half an hour at a time every hour, or jumping up on you and nearly bowling you over in their excitement, or always wanting and needing to play, some dog breeds are just too much to deal with! This is especially true as you age; as a child, you wouldn’t mind that kind of energetic puppy behavior, but as you become an adult and advance into old age, you want a more relaxed and laid-back canine companion. Fortunately, some breeds of dog are exactly that, especially that most iconic of breeds: the basset hound.

Short, Stubby, Loyal, And Friendly The Basset Hound

Why Own a Basset Hound?

The basset hound is an iconic breed, and for good reason; it offers quite a bit to its owner as far as strength, loyalty, and obedience is concerned. As a purebred, you can be assured that certain qualities will come out in their personality, behavior, and appearance/physique, something that you simply can’t get when you adopt a dog of mixed and unknown parentage.

Yes, you can see some of the breeds involved in the parentage of a random dog, but often it is difficult to tell what traits will become dominant in their personality and what traits will never emerge in the first place. With a purebred basset hound, their behavior and personality is assured. So what do you get when you get a basset hound?

First, some choose to own a basset hound because of the particular aesthetic that they display. A basset hound is strong and sturdy, and of medium size, so you don’t need to worry about it being too large to have in your home if you have a smaller home or an apartment. More importantly, the breed has very short legs, lending to it a sort of adorable look that never really leaves it. Some find this very cute, and if you do too, then this may be the breed for you!

Additionally, basset hounds are incredibly good-natured. They are very sociable with both people as well as other animals, and can be trusted not to make trouble or harm others. Where aggression can be a problem with some other breeds, the basset hound is so even-tempered and friendly that there is genuinely no risk of them being rude or aggressive, barring mistreatment.

Preparing to Own a Basset Hound

As with any dog, especially a purebred dog, there are certain drawbacks that you have to be prepared to deal with. It wouldn’t do for you to adopt a basset hound puppy and then find that you don’t care for some of the more inconvenient quirks of the breed six months later; it is quite hard for a dog to be adopted at that age, compared to puppy age, so you do quite a bit of harm to the dog by returning him or her! Thus, when owning a basset hound, be prepared for…

  1. A dog that is a bit of a slow learner.
  1. A dog that is occasionally more interested in scents than your orders.
  1. A dog that bays and howls.
  1. A dog that does a lot of slobbering, drooling, snoring, and shedding.
  1. A dog with a “houndy” odor and a tendency towards flatulence.

If this all sounds acceptable, then the basset hound may be the breed for you!

+Neil Kilgore can’t enough enough of the Basset Hound breed! He regularly blogs about dogs, breeders and puppies on the Greenfield Puppies website.