This article has occasionally covered the threats of payday loans. Payday loans charge very high rate of interest and commonly leave customers deep in financial obligation. Sources that the typical customer who handles a payday loan owes money for over 6 months, is charged a yearly rate of interest of over 400 %, and needs… Continue reading Alternative Choices When Customers Require Cash
Tag: Mistakes
6 Bookkeeping Mistakes That Are Costing Your Company Money
Bookkeeping is a major headache you have to deal with as a business owner. It’s also one of the most important things in ensuring that your company is making money. There are a lot of bookkeeping mistakes you can make that are costing your company money. Here are six ways to help you avoid them.… Continue reading 6 Bookkeeping Mistakes That Are Costing Your Company Money
6 Plumbing Mistakes That Lead To Calling A Plumber
There are many common plumbing problems that can occur in a home. These can range from simple dripping faucets to big plumbing nightmares. Unfortunately, taking the DIY approach is not always beneficial. Even simple plumbing repairs can end up causing big problems, leading homeowners to end up needing to call a plumber in Salt Lake… Continue reading 6 Plumbing Mistakes That Lead To Calling A Plumber