This article has occasionally covered the threats of payday loans. Payday loans charge very high rate of interest and commonly leave customers deep in financial obligation. Sources that the typical customer who handles a payday loan owes money for over 6 months, is charged a yearly rate of interest of over 400 %, and needs… Continue reading Alternative Choices When Customers Require Cash
Tag: marketing
How Banks Can Generate A Profit Without High Fees
High fees needn’t be the name of your bank’s profit game. Rather, there are many ways to generate a profit without charging your customers high fees. And, since a bank without high fees is a rarity these days, you can be sure that more customers will soon be coming your way. Here are some tips… Continue reading How Banks Can Generate A Profit Without High Fees
Small Business Can Use Big Data Too
By now, it’s a certainty that most everyone out there knows all about the existence of Big Data. It’s data that’s big in size, big in variety, and big in speed, but that doesn’t mean that only big businesses can use it. In fact, more small businesses are jumping on the Big Data bandwagon, and… Continue reading Small Business Can Use Big Data Too