4 Homemade Products To Clean Carpets

Homemade products are perfect for carpet cleaning, they are cheap and can get you out of trouble when your carpets need an emergency clean. You may know that you can create products to clean the bathroom, kitchen or other parts of the house. Today we will show you 4 homemade products to clean carpets that will change your life. Do not run to the store to buy a special product to clean carpets, make it yourself.

Product 1: General Cleaner


1/2 cup hydrogen peroxide

4 tablespoons vinegar

4 tablespoons castilla soap

10 drops of essential oil (optional)

12 cups hot water

Mix all the ingredients in a bucket and apply them to all of your carpet or just the really dirty bits, let it soak for half an hour and then wash it normally. It will look like new! If you think the vinegar will stain or you do not have it at home, you can leave it of the mix and the results will not be that much different.

Product 2: Air Freshener


1/2 cup of baking soda

20 – 40 drops of lavender or tea tree essential oil (optional)

The baking soda is an excellent cleaner and so are the oils, they not only leave a wonderful aroma but they also collaborate in the cleaning of your carpet because they have antibacterial qualities. Now, if you have pets, it is recommended that you do not use tea tree oil. You have to mix both ingredients in a container with holes – for example, a salt shaker – and leave the mixture to stand for 24 hours. Then sprinkle this kind of talcum powder on your carpet, wait for 10 to 15 minutes and hoover it all up as usual.

Product 3: Disinfectant


2 cups of borax

1 cup baking soda

10 drops essential oil (lavender, lemon, mint, rosemary)

This one is good for pet owners or anyone with an infestation. With this product you can kill any fleas and their eggs, it will scare away the mice, disinfect your carpet and refresh the aroma of the room where you use it, don’t you love it? Just mix the ingredients in a bowl and wait for the powder to dry; Then discharge the lumps that may have been formed and spread the dust on all around your carpet. Wait 30 minutes and hoover. How did it fit your needs?

Product 4: Stain Remover


1 cup of hydrogen peroxide

1 teaspoon dish detergent

This product is perfect for removing stains from the carpet , especially those of red wine and ink. These kind of stains are often the most complicated and difficult to remove! Just mix the ingredients and pour some of the liquid on the stain; dry it off with a towel and wipe it once dry. You will see how the stains disappear.

It is advisable to be precautious when applying any products to your carpet, make sure you test a small amount in a small inconspicuous area first. Under the sofa might be a good testing spot.

This post was written and supplied on behalf of www.oxymagiclowcountry.com, professional residential carpet cleaners.

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