Can The Most Powerful Military Fight Aliens

If the “military” version is true, planes that have seen of New Deviation could also take some part in the exercises. If this is not the case for the military events of April were an unpleasant surprise, their reaction seems somewhat belated alien UFO hung almost twenty minutes in the sky!

What was happening in the sky over Ladoga? We have requested the press center of the Leningrad Military District Air Defense Command and the Army, but no answer is still no.

Hundreds of St. Petersburg have seen UFOs in the direction of the highway and Prizes Ladoga 28, 31 August and 1 April. Plates appeared in the evening – in the ninth and the eleventh hour, and early in the morning – at the beginning of the seventh. Maybe it’s because they fly at night?

– What happened in the Leningrad region the sky, except as invading UFOs is difficult to call, – said the chairman of the UFO section of the Russian Geographical Society Michael Gerstein. – Some of them were so bright that occurred in a radius of 150 kilometers from the location point. Typically, about 90 percent of Alien sightings after checking prove false, – he added. – People take for plates missile launches and many other optical effects. But in this case the conclusion of urologists and military personally observed the mysterious objects, agree on one thing: on the ground of such a technique is not and, apparently, this time the plates were real. According to the route, plates overflew Leningrad military targets, hovering briefly over each. We have tried to collect all the evidence together.

In St. Petersburg began the invasion of August 28 Nonveteran UFO could be seen from the northern part of the city – we called residents Sitologoi, Enlightenment and Artists avenues, streets Demean Poor. But we see it and in the fishing, Shusha, Volchok. Most of the witnesses were at the time of the appearance of UFOs in the country, in Prizes direction: Daisies in the villages, Larvie, Litvak (farm “Scheele”), Panino, Karabatsos, Angulation, Kumalo, Novaya Ladoga, Kosovo, Rapallo, Silverstone.

Those who turned out to be closer to the object observed a very colorful spectacle. You can verify this by looking at the pictures made by Mikhail Petkovic and his wife. They saw an object near Angulation, driving a car on the highway Prizes with friends.

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