4 Ways College Improves Your Life

Some people may think that going to college is simply signing your life away to 4 or more years of homework, being tied down, and having to get wrapped up in student loans. A lot of people hear stories of self-made millionaires who didn’t spend a day of their life in college, so they think, “Why can’t I do the same?”

Statistically, college not only increases your chances of employment, but it has a variety of opportunities for self-growth that are unique to its environment.  College is a special time of your life where you’re between making dreams into a reality.  The world is full of possibility and you are the orchestrator of your own life.  Here are some of the ways that college can change your life in extraordinary ways.

You Become More Independent

College forces you to step outside of your comfort zone and into the world of meeting a wide variety of new people in an entirely new environment.  If we stay inside our comfort zones forever we lose the opportunity to grow and benefit from opening up to new experiences.

By allowing ourselves to flourish in a new place with new kinds of people we become independent and able to function in a wide variety of situations.  Because you are now responsible for living outside of the nest, you are officially a creature of the adult world.  Celebrate! This is the beginning of the rest of your life!

You Get To Move To a New Place

If you opt to go to an out of state college, this is a great opportunity for you to move to an entirely new place and discover what it’s live to live somewhere else.  If you’ve never lived anywhere other than home this can be a huge opportunity for personal growth.

If you go to in-state college this is still an opportunity to move out from the nest and discover the excitement of living on your own as an adult in the big world.  You get to make your own meals, do your own shopping, and pay your own bills.

Even though this may seem daunting at first and hardly exciting, it comes with a great sense of self-satisfaction to know that you are the maker of your life and responsible for yourself instead of your parents.

You Make New Friendships

College can open up possibilities to new and special friendships.  From your dorm roommates to people that simply share the same visions of life and aspirations, college is an amazing platform for connecting with like-minded people.

Even though you may be shy at first, after a while once you settle in, you’ll find that once you make one connection, more and more will branch out from there.  Before you know it you’ll have a whole network of new friends you never had before college!

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