Cleaning Carpets Without Chemicals

If you want to learn how to green clean your carpets and rugs this article is for you.

Having a clean home is not an easy task giving in mind most women work alongside with men. Time just isn’t enough because there is not just the cleaning they have to worry about, there is also cooking, washing the dishes, tidying, laundering etc. If the other family members don’t get involved with the chores there is no way one person can handle with everything, unless the day is around thirty forty hours or they hire a professional carpet cleaning company.

In order to finish with the cleaning chores faster many housewives purchase very strong cleaning solutions and use significant amount. This is not a good idea because most of the commercial detergents contain strong chemicals, which can be dangerous not only to the environment but also to the health of people. Unfortunately, there isn’t a way to determine if a cleaning product is a hundred percent chemical free.

How To Clean Green

The only sure way is to make your own products and this is what the article is all about. I have gathered some recipes for cleaning solutions, which have proven to be effective and don’t cause any side effects. Nevertheless you should always use protective gloves and even a mask every time you use any kind of cleaning solution, moreover keep the windows open so the air can circulate. But enough with the precautions it is time to learn some recipes.

The first one is my favorite for cleaning rugs and carpets, it may be suitable for curtain types of upholstery as well, but I haven’t tried it. The recipe is quite effective against pets which like to leave you unpleasant surprises due to the ammonia. I’m not sure why but pets hate it, maybe because their noses are far more sensitive than ours. So here is what you’ll need for this awesome multi purpose cleaner.

In a medium bowl pour one cup of warm water, three tablespoons of liquid dish washing detergent, a teaspoon vinegar and half a teaspoon ammonia. Mix everything together until you get a thick foam. You’ll be using only the foam, there are special bottles which transform liquid into foam you can search them. Once you get the foam it is time to apply on the area you wish to clean. I recommend you use protective gloves and apply with a sponge on a small area.

Take Precautions

It is a good idea to do spot test on an inconspicuous area and before you apply the cleaning solution make sure you have thoroughly vacuumed the carpet or rug. Use on small parts otherwise the foam will penetrate into the fibres and dry slower. After applying the foam blot a little with the sponge and you’ll see how all the dirt gets out. Remove the excess with a dry towel and after it is all dry vacuum again, that way you’ll prevent residue leftovers.

Of course, there is a chance the solution doesn’t work on your carpet or even damage it, so before you try it look the label for any contraindications. If there isn’t any information I don’t recommend you use it. In these cases it is better to hire professional carpet cleaning company and ask them if the solution is harmless to the fabric. I also use their service at least twice a year because the specialists know how to treat the different kinds of fabric and often the price for using professional service is less than the price you would pay for a new carpet or a rug.