A Business Owners Policy Covers More Than You Think

One popular version of business insurance for small and medium-sized business is a business owner’s policy, also known as a BOP. With a business owner’s policy, you have the ability to take a variety of individual insurance policies and combine them into one package, making a simpler business owner’s policy. This ends up being a win-win for both the insurance company and the business owner, as it is extremely efficient for the insurance company and cost-effective for the insured business owner. Insurance companies will often offer lower premiums for this type of policy, which combines liability and property insurance into one.


What Does a BOP Cover?

A business owner’s policy can cover you against a wide range of losses. This includes losses to the business owner’s property as well as personal injury. If someone is injured using one of your company’s products and sustains and injury, this is covered as well.  One of the other important facets of a business owner’s policy is that it provides coverage in the event that you rent or lease a property that sustains property damage. What happens if you lease an office building for your business and there is a damaging fire? If you have a business owner’s policy, you will be relieved that this is covered. Aside from personal and property issues, which can result in expensive damages, BOP covers against lawsuits related to slander or invasion of privacy. These can seriously hurt your business and be very costly as well, making BOP even more important to have. So you are covered against injuries, property damage, and slander by a BOP, but what about all of that expensive equipment that you rely on for your business to operate smoothly? If you invest in a business owner’s insurance policy, you can protect yourself against any financial losses that result from an equipment failure. As you learn more about the extensive coverage provided by a business owner’s policy, it should become increasingly clear that a BOP has immense value for a small or medium -sized business owner.  Coverage extends across all of the most important areas to many businesses. Even that annual Christmas party is covered, as a business owner’s policy covers you for any intoxicated attendees who might cause injury or property damage! The extent of BOP coverage makes it a great option for any business owner.

If you’re not already convinced of the benefits of business owners insurance policy, there is one other fact that could change your mind. Many people are not aware that one of the main advantages of a business owners policy is that is saves you money relative to other policies. If you invest in a business owner policy, you are going to receive more comprehensive coverage at an ever lower cost. If you purchase individual business insurance policies separately, you are going to end up paying more money. Finally, one of the remaining benefits of a business owner policy that we have not covered is the fact that most BOPs offer custom coverage options. Since every business has unique needs and risks, make sure you customize your business owner’s policy to specifically address the necessities of your business.