Your Moving Fears and How To Overcome Each One

Making a move is a big deal. It is such a big deal for some that a whole host of fears accompany that decision. Those fears may have some validity, while others may be based on wrong information or the fear of the unknown. Let’s take a look at some of the more notable fears related to your pending move and how to face each one.

Adult couple emerging from moving crates

Financial fears. Not having enough money to make a move is a valid concern. How you address this problem depends on a number of factors, including your ability to tap the funds to cover your costs, including hiring a moving company, selling items you no longer need, and other factors related to your move. One way to allay your fears is to develop a budget based on your costs. Some of those costs may not be known up front, but by acquiring estimates from moving companies you can begin to fill in some of the gaps explains the Allied Moving Company.

Packing fears. How on earth will I ever get everything done?! That’s a valid statement and one that many people ask when they begin to pack. You need to acquire boxes, gather filling material, purchase packing tape, pick up color stickers and markers, and keep at this process for days, sometimes weeks. Here, the help of one or more friends can allay your fears. One friend may be good at helping you separate the items you want to keep from those you will either sell, donate or discard, while another friend may have certain packing skills that come in handy, especially with breakable items. Ask your friends for help and welcome their assistance.

Friendship loss fears. It happens. You move away and your friendships change, especially with those who live near you. The thought about losing a friend can be immensely sad, but dwelling on that loss will do you no good. Understand that while time and distance can separate people, what is is birthed in the heart and constructed by two caring individuals will always be there. Certainly, you won’t see this person as much and you may long for him or her when absent. Find ways to stay in touch and, if possible, establish a reunion date a year or two in the future.

New location fears. Yes, you’ll be in an unfamiliar environment once you arrive in your new home. That “newness” means you’ll have a lot to learn about the place you’ll be calling home and maybe not too many people you’ll know or who will know you. It takes time to acclimate to a new home, but do venture out to discover the area’s best shopping destinations, cultural pursuits, business locations, parks, and more. Seek out people through your place of employment, house of worship, club or other activity. If you have school-aged children, quite naturally your friends will include parents of some of your children’s school mates.

Fatigue fears. One of the biggest challenges may not be fear directly, but fatigue. Tiredness can magnify every problem, well beyond the problems you may be experiencing. Take any problem, mix in fatigue, and you have the recipe for a meltdown or a crash. Here, the best response is to pull back, take a break, call it a night and come back to the problem in the morning when you feel refreshed and the stress is gone.

Winning the Battle

Moving can seem so overwhelming. Getting and staying organized can help you here by enabling you to maintain as much control as possible. Still, there will be times when things don’t go according to plan. How you respond to these challenges will greatly affect your ability to cope as well as to allay those fears when they arise.