Airbnb Management Services – What To Offer Potential Guests

There are ways of making your listing stand out.

Put all your information in and be upfront. People are trying to narrow down their choices on Airbnb management– there’s hundreds of listings for every city. If you make sure you’ve detailed exactly what’s on offer you’ll meet more people’s search criteria.

Get everything verified – this marks you out as someone to trust when people are looking through listings. You can be verified as a host and you can have your photos verified – these will normally be professional photos, too. So your property will look good.

Answer your mail! People often send messages to check things out before they make a booking. So it’s a good idea to keep an eye on your inbox and reply quickly.

Be clean! A good general rule is to have your property at ‘hotel room’ standards when you hand over keys. It’s a safe level for ensuring guest satisfaction and will make your property much more welcoming.

Price competitively. Do your research. Take a look at the properties near you and similar to you and work out the pros and cons of your pad in comparison.

And if all of this seems overwhelming or time consuming then there are people who can help — Airbnb management services.

Bedspoke (that’s us) offer such a service. We can take care of as much or as little of the airbnb management of your property and listing as you like. If you’d like us to manage everything on your behalf then that’ll be about 12 hours a week you’ll be gaining in free time.

More importantly, as we’re taking care of getting your listing right and screening visitors, we’ll boost your income and occupancy rates. With a courteous 24/7 service offered to your guests (and you, of course) we’ll also make sure your property gets excellent Airbnb reviews.