The Many Conditions A Toothache Could Represent

Many patients will tell their dentists, “I have a toothache doc, do you think I have a cavity?” Although it certainly could be a cavity, there are many conditions that can cause a toothache.

If you’re feeling pain in focused areas of your mouth, specifically extreme pain when touching or chewing, consult your local dentist for a further diagnosis of your condition. If your pain is minimal, but you’re just interested in potential conditions stemming from a toothache, check out the list below of potential culprits.

Before we get started, you should know that a toothache in itself won’t kill you. It’s simply not something to worry about from a life-threating standpoint, but with that said, you should never allow time for a toothache to grow into a stronger pain.

What Does a Toothache Mean?

Cavities –

The classic toothache is representative of cavities or tooth decay. This usually occurs when bacteria get into deeper areas of the tooth and over time beings to grow into an infection. The cure is simple and usually involves the dentist filling the tooth, but if left untreated, the tooth may need extraction. Most people who use tobacco products are more susceptible to cavities due to enamel deterioration.

Cracked Tooth –

This will also cause a great deal of initial pain that will come and go depending on the food you eat and how much you’re using the side of the mouth affected. Teeth with cavities crack all the time, but teeth can also break without having a cavity, ultimately causing toothaches. Usually, dentists will simply extract the troubled area without any difficulty as long as the area is not infected.

Gum Disease –

This is the one that you don’t want to have. Also known as periodontal disease or gingivitis, the disease is curable if detected at the proper time. Otherwise, gum disease can lead to cancerous effects and possible death without treatment. The disease starts when gums become inflamed, and deep pockets of bacteria are formed. When gum disease is left untreated, tooth pain is often the result.

Nerve Damage –

If you’re suffering from a toothache that is chronic and lingering, you may have nerve damage around an area of your mouth. Usually, this type of pain is a result from grinding of the teeth or advanced tooth decay that has penetrated and damaged the nerve. Hopefully, you have already seen the dentist prior to this pain as some nerve damage is caused by through long-term negligence.

Swollen Nodes –

Yes, toothaches can be associated with a swollen face or lymph nodes. The swelling usually occurs under the jaw of the affected tooth or affected side of the mouth. The pain is highly noticeable, and most patients will be begging for an appointment with their local dentist.

Severe throbbing pain is usually an indicator of infection from an abscess, which is essentially a collection of puss that builds up within the tissue of the body (or in this case the mouth).

Be sure to always keep updated on new improvements in the dental healthcare field and stay informed on best practices for a healthy mouth. As with an unhealthy body, an unhealthy mouth can affect your ability to perform, as well as your emotional stability.

Consult with your local dentist for information on recommended products and procedures. If it’s been a while since your last visit, or if you’re in Orlando and find yourself with a toothache, schedule an appointment with Orlando Smiles. Always be sure to brush twice daily, rinse with warm water, and never apply aspirin or any other painkiller directly to your gums.

Further Reading

Toothache Remedies (5) The Different Types Of Toothache Pain And What They Reveal

Matthew Hall is a freelance writer and professional student who offers articles and insights into popular culture, the latest tech gadgets, and all topics of interest to student living.