Healthy Eating During The Holidays

Food is a very important not only for the growth and development of your children, it is also a determinant of the quality of life they have, in the future, as adults. However, despite the known importance of nutrition during this stage of life, happens in many homes that once the boys or girls come to vacation.

Before the holidays, all our routines are out of control: we sleep more, do less physical effort and, above all, we eat very differently. In the holiday period our food always undergoes many changes as it is used to timetables and for a time not only eat other but the excesses arrive, especially if you go to an all inclusive resort where there are so many things we all go crazy and we spent most of the day eating everything.

During this time it is common for routine be forgotten, that all schedules are altered, from time to rise, until time to go to sleep, and in these cases, food is no exception.

Although it is clear that holidays are to forget about work and other routines, you should consider a number of things about the food so that your body will not notice much change. Take note of how to feed during the holidays:

– Do not skip meals or add more than usual. Try to eat the same way as the rest of the year.

– Do not overuse alcohol or sweets. If you can take one every day or a day out for drinks and take several, but does not go drunken daily.

– Try to schedule more or less the same every day for each of the three main meals. One day can make an exception but have a different schedule for each thing each day.

– If you travel abroad make a preliminary review of its food so you do not get caught by surprise and to know what you’re going to find.

– As you reach the hotel pick out all hours of the bars and restaurants to not stay without eating any day or for having to eat in a hurry because they will close.

– Do not be too sybaritic, especially in hotels. The food in them is good but it is clear that when you have five days you think that there is always the same. Lest you get bored of it, try to eat something different every day and do not make mixtures of different things to avoid repeating other days.

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