5 Ways To Create More Space In Your Home

It’s frustrating when you’re living in the ideal home but running out of space. Whether it’s due to an expanding family, working from home or just simply too much stuff, it’s never nice to feel that your home just isn’t big enough. If you don’t want to move but want to free up some much needed space, then you’ve come to the right place. Below are our top five space-boosting tips.

Storage solutions

If you find that your belongings are taking over your home, then it’s time to get smart about storage. Investing in furniture that has storage built into it is a good place to start – beds with drawers in the base are a godsend for kids’ and adults’ rooms alike. Shelves are great for those with little in the way of floor space, and keeping things in colourful boxes is a great way of injecting some personality into a room.

5 Ways To Create More Space In Your Home


A conservatory is ideal for those who want to make a more permanent addition to their home. It can be used in a number of different ways, from a sun room to a children’s den or even an amazing home office. You can simply adapt it to your own needs, as it’s a completely blank canvas.

Multi-purpose rooms

Double up on room functions if you find that you’re running out of space. For example, a spare bedroom can also be a home office, and an unloved garden shed can be split into two and used for an outdoor play space for the kids. Take advantage of little alcoves and cupboards and use curtains or doors to divide these off from your main space.

A good clear out

Often, a reason for there not being enough space in your home is that you’re got a bit too much clutter for the space that’s available. Being ruthless and chucking out anything that you don’t need is the best option here. Donate anything that is still functional to charity – and as the old saying goes, if it’s not beautiful or useful, don’t keep it!

Making use of the available space

Use lofts and basements wisely to create more space in your home. Whether you use them for storage or convert them into rooms that can be used, people often don’t utilise these extra spaces. Loft conversions are a great way of freeing up more living space in your home without a need to extend and basements can make great dens and pantries!

It’s time to enjoy your home!

We hope that our guide has helped you decide how make your home more spacious and comfortable. Each home and its residents are different, so what works for some may not for others. Budget, time and the needs of those in the household will all factor into your decision – so don’t rush it! The perfect home is something that takes a lot of time and effort to achieve, after all.

If you’ve seen something here that works for you, then go ahead and do it! When you’re sitting back and relaxing in your newly de-cluttered and roomy home, you’ll be glad that you did!

Mark Caulfield is the Director for The Caulfield Conservatory Co which have a team of highly talented architects who are passionate for creating the conservatory of your dreams.